mommy quiz:)

ég er međ bloggstíflu svo ţetta er blogg dagsins sérdeilis sniđugur ţessi: 

I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter.
    She picked up something off the ground and
    started to put it in her mouth. I took the item
    away from her and I asked her not to do that.
    "Why?" my daughter asked. "Because it's been on the ground,
    you don't know where it's been, it's dirty and probably has germs"
    I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total
    admiration and asked, "Mommy, how do you know all this stuff?
    You are so smart."

    I was thinking quickly. "All moms know this stuff.
    It's on the Mommy Test.
    You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy."
    We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes,
    but she was evidently pondering this new information.
    "OH...I get it!" she beamed,
    "So if you don't pass the test you have to be the daddy."
    "Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face.

    When you're finished laughing, send this to a Mom.


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1 identicon

Snilldar saga! held það hafi aldrei verið skrifaður texti sem inniheldur jafn mikinn sannleika og þessi;)  sé þig í kvöl°d!

Yngri (IP-tala skráđ) 27.3.2007 kl. 15:53

2 identicon

Hahahaha... þessi er snilld;)

Maja (IP-tala skráđ) 27.3.2007 kl. 17:37

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